Women Group Tasks Government on Solution to Nigeria Problems

By Alex Uangbaoje, Kaduna

A muslim women group, ‘Women in Da’awah’ has tasked the Nigeria government to intensify effort in providing solutions in addressing the numerous challenges bedeviling the country.

National President of the group, Maryam Idris Othman, who made the call in Kaduna on Thursday at a press conference as part of activities heralding their annual conference holding in Kaduna, also called on citizens to imbibe in good deeds as part of ways to fulfill their obligations to the nation.

“We call on government at all levels to intensify concerted effort in addressing challenges threatening our communities, rekindling hope in the populace and providing opportunities to actualize them. We especially call for the restructuring of almajiri schools, to give all children a chance in living purposeful lives.

“We call on citizens to fulfil their obligations to Allah in word and deed by imbibing noble citizenship values, excellent communal relations, community development and contributing to the betterment of their own societies. As Muslims we are expected to be shining examples in doing good and enjoining it. We should revive that.” She said.

She said the conference will be focused on discussing some of the major issues facing the country like, the Almajiri phenomenon in Northern Nigeria and the burden of society, amongst others.

‘Women in Da’awah’ is an umbrella group of Muslim Women Organizations involved in education, enlightenment, outreach, empowerment and advocacy on women and general family issues in Nigeria. It was established in 2003 in FCT and is a not for profit membership organization with the overall goal of ensuring the spiritual, moral, economic and psycho-social well-being of members and the entire community.

She explained that, “The organization instituted its annual conference series in 2006 when it held the first national conference at Kano in June 2006 and has held thirteen successive national conferences in twelve states of the federation and the FCT.

“These annual conferences seek to achieve the main objectives of educating WID members, equipping them to meet the challenges in our constantly changing world, and also calling general public attention to topical issues that affect society, proffering various solutions to address them. The annual conferences create a forum for the review of strategies and collaboration for our outreach activities.

“It is also an opportunity to bring together women involved in da’awah activities from various backgrounds to rub minds and share experiences.
As with earlier outings, the 14th edition of the Conference focuses on a specific theme that captures the aspiration and mood of the populace especially the Muslim community. This year’s theme is drawn from the Noble Qur’an chapter 2, verse 208, “Believers! Enter wholly into Islam226 and do not follow in the footsteps of Satan for he is your open enemy” (Qur’an- 2:208).

“The intent of this year’s theme highlights the spirit of this verse where God demands that man should submit, without reservation, the whole of his being to His will. Man’s outlook, intellectual pursuits, behaviour, interaction with other people and modes of endeavour should all be completely subordinate to Islam. God does not accept the splitting up of human life into separate compartments, some governed by the teachings of Islam and others exempt.

“The choice of theme therefore is a direct outcome of happenings and issues experienced in 2019. Indeed 2019 has reached an unwholesome height as one of those years which showcased and featured series of dislocations among the populace, including kidnappings, banditry, political thuggery and the negative manifestations of election season. But as a resilient people, we cannot sit back, lament and expect miracles.

“The intent in Kaduna 2019 revolves around reconnecting with the spirit and substance of the Qur’an in word and deed, redirecting our priorities and remaining firm in the hope that indeed things will get better by our effort and commitment and not by chance or miracles. The lectures and discussions will focus on how we reconnect with our creator, thereby fulfilling his purpose for us. How do we change our situation positively? How do we engage ourselves in honest retrospection? How do we empower and inspire the future generations?”

She therefore urged the media to help in amplifying their voices, saying “you all as the mouthpiece and lens of society to publicize this message to all nooks and crannies of our society for indeed the citizens of our great nation, Nigeria, need to connect with their purpose in life, commit to individual and collective contribution to the betterment of society and inspire and symbolize positive change for the betterment and empowerment of our future generations. You have a duty, a calling and an obligation which your creator will ultimately hold you to account for.”

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