US Threatens Venezuela with ‘Military Option’

Agency Report 

The Vice President of United States, Mr. Mike Pence, currently on tour of South and Central America, has threatened that his country will apply its full weight to force Venezuela to return to democracy.

Pence told an audience in Colombia that Washington was “absolutely determined to bring the full measure of American economic and diplomatic power to bear until we see democracy restored in Venezuela.

The country, U.S, had also not ruled out military option.

“I’m not going to rule out a military option [to quell unrest in Venezuela],” said US President Donald Trump on Friday.

“We have many options for Venezuela, this is our neighbor. We’re all over the world and we have troops all over the world in places very, very far away. Venezuela is not very far away, and the people are suffering and dying. We have many options for Venezuela including a possible military option if necessary.”

“President Trump is a leader who says what he means and means what he says,” Pence said.

“But the president sent me here to continue to marshal the unprecedented support of countries across Latin America to achieve by peaceable means the restoration of democracy in Venezuela, and we believe it is achievable by those means.”

But while Pence didn’t put his foot down against US military intervention, Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos did. “Since friends have to tell each other the truth, I have told Vice President Pence that the possibility of a military intervention shouldn’t even be considered, neither in Colombia nor in Latin America,”

Santos said through a translator. “America is a continent of peace. It is the land of peace. Let us preserve it as such.”

US Vice President Pence started the trip amid diplomatic crisis With Venezuela.


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