Speed limiter: FRSC Begins Clampdown on Motorist January 2017

The Kaduna Sector Command of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), flag-off the 2016 ember month patrol, saying it would track down motorists who failed to install the speed limiting device as from January 2017.

The Sector Commander, Mr Francis Udoma, said at the flag-off of the campaign at Television Garage, Kaduna, that the command would use the period to encourage motorists to install the device.

He said the FRSC had adopted persuasive campaign to ensure compliance, but warned that full enforcement of the policy would commence on Jan. 1, 2017.

Udoma noted that the compliance rate was low for now and urged motorists to comply, so as to reduce accidents.

The sector commander disclosed that 431 motorists were booked in the state since the commencement of the advisory enforcement on Oct. 1, adding that only nine of the motorist were found to have installed the device.

He reminded motorists on the need to drive safely on the road, stressing that road accidents kill more people than malaria and HIV/AIDS.

“Ember months mark the end of the year where volume of traffic swells to its limit and drivers over-speed their vehicles leading to human error and result to accidents.

“Motorist should in their own interest and that of their passengers and relatives install the device to prevent untimely deaths,” he said.

Mr Bulus Darwang, Zone 1 Commander, in charge of Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, and Jigawa, said that 310 out of 960 accidents recorded in the zone in 2015 were speed related.

Darwan added  that out of the 920 accidents recorded between January and September 2016, 427 were also caused by speed violations.

“It is a known fact that only collective efforts can bring sanity to our roads by checkmating excessive speed to reduce the high rate of accidents on our roads,” he said.

On his part, the Chairman of the event, Mr Sunny Okogwu, a philanthropist, urged motorist to change their attitude to traffic rules and regulations.

Okogwu called on the members of the public to support ongoing efforts by the FRSC to reduce road accidents by installing the speed limit device.

Malam Hassan Ibrahim, state Secretary, Road Transport Employee Association of Nigeria, pledged their support for the initiative, saying they would comply in due cause.

His counterpart of National Union of Road Transport Workers, Malam Bature Suleiman, urged the FRSC to bring more companies to the state, to increase access.

He said that only one company currently installs the speed limit device in the state.

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