RINGIM/TAURA FEDERAL CONSTITUENCY: Gujungu for Articulate Representation

By Comrade Abdulmalik Hamisu Ringim

The challenges and political situation of Ringim /Taura Federal Constituency, Jigawa State, is not different from that of Northern Nigeria where the need for structural transformation towards a new crop of leadership has become necessary.

For me personally I believe we can rekindle the past glory and take the constituency to greater heights through the youths.

It has become crystal clear that we are also facing a decay in mentoring of the young ones, empowerment, entrepreneurial development, guidance and counselling, educational rejuvenation, character molding, moral and social developments among others.

Most of these attributes and legacies that were abundant right from the First Republic ,are now being crushed out by some of our self centered leaders and Representatives especially at the National Assembly.

Consequently, it has become imperative to test youths with requisite skills, experience and exposure at local & international levels with grassroots consciousness, and integrity amongst others to try and change the present level of Representation.

There is hope for the future leaders if we mobilise and support the youths timely and wisely. Because these youths are expected to penetrate the political system ,interact competitively and accrue for us real dividends of democracy instead of irrational compromise and perpetual warming of seats in the House.

Hence the need to review our strategies in nomination and voting of competent candidates cannot be over emphasized.

It is at a time like this that people like Comrade Gambo Ibrahim Gujungu who i believe has what it takes to develop a Road Map and achieve results readily comes to mind.

Due to his track record, he is obviously capable of uplifting the masses, re- orient the electorates, and contribute fairly towards their empowerment.

Gujungu is a prominent youth activist in Nigeria with experience in youth activism spanning years across the country and beyond our borders.

He is well known, well respected and appreciated across the country because he has been the voice of the masses over the years.

He has used his leadership qualities to speak for the good of the people especially the masses. As an advocate of good governance Gujungu has used his position as the National Chairman of the Arewa Youth Forum, (AYF) to demand the good for the north and Nigerians as a whole. Our constituency will not be different.

He has been a consistent advocate and speaks against successive administrations in the country in his bid to make sure that leadership provides the good for the greatest number of citizens. Where he has fought on the side of the people even against the present administration when the need arise.

Recently the foremost youth organization in Nigeria established in 1980 with structures across the 36 states of the country, the Nigerian Youth Organization, (NYO)
appointed him to lead its election panel to enthrone credible leadership for the organization.

The election has since been conducted and ushered in the executives to pilot the affairs of the youth organization.

For sure, Ringim and Taura Youth are NOT Lazy, but they are only lacking Governments’ care and support.

They are talented, educated, committed, dedicated and law abiding citizens but regrettably they are being abandoned, neglected and denied the opportunity to be actively involved in issues affecting them thereby hindering their deserved freedom, peace and progress.

As such, it is a very crucial time come 2019; to rethink, adjust, review our strategies, identify our priorities and vote for the right candidate especially one that is proactive, bold, educationally sound, ideologically equipped , morally, physically and charismatically grounded like Comrade Gambo Ibrahim Gujungu to represent Ringim/Taura Federal Constituency.

Because of his exposure and experience the Independent Pan African Youth Parliament (IPAYP) an umbrella body for all youth civil society organizations in African countries appointed Comrade Gambo Ibrahim Gujungu as their speaker.

IPAYP which is committed to the development and advancement of the African Youth agenda, had mandated Gujungu and others in the parliament to speak and strive to put youth issues on the front burner at all times.

Gujungu was also saddled with the responsibility of “advocating and lobbying for the Africa of our dreams in global platforms”.

In addition to this, Gujungu is also an Alumni of the International visitors Leadership programme, (IVLP) of the United States of America Exchange programme where he represents Nigeria in 2013.

Because of Gujungu’s exposure and contacts, recently the AYF which he is leading implemented the 1st cycle of US Department of State fully funded ‘Conflict Mitigation and Peace Building Project’ in the four-4 Northern states of Kaduna, Bauchi, Nasarawa and Taraba where they had been some skirmishes in the past.

The project was AYF noble contribution to the Federal and State Government’s efforts to help Nigeria in addressing and mitigating the prevailing security and peace building challenges in the country.

Gujungu told newsmen during the project that over one thousand Youths across the four States and twelve communities were trained as Community Peace Ambassadors and Actors.

“We are glad to also mention that through this program, we able to reconcile fighting communities and groups, particularly in Nasarawa and Bauchi States, thereby enhancing their peaceful and communal living”, he said.

The need for Ringim/Taura Federal Constituency to benefit from the experience and contact of this colossus cannot over stressed.

We are counting on all Indigenes and residents of Ringim and Taura Local Governments in achieving this electoral victory that is for sure going to benefit all of us and set our constituency on the part of growth and development. United we stand, divided we fall.

Long Live Ringim/Taura Federal Constituency, Long Live Jigawa State, Long Live Nigeria. Thanks and May ALLAH bless all of us.

Comrade Abdulmalik Hamisu Ringim writes from Abuja.

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