Media Outfit Concludes School Sports Challenge on Governance

By Alex Uangbaoje, Kaduna

A media consulting outfit, based in Kaduna, Jay Concept International in partnership with Open Kaduna Radio Program, on Thursday concluded it’s School Sports Challenge aimed at infusing issues of governance in education matters.

This year’s schools sport challenge is the second in the series of the event which started in 2017, had students of the first edition winning school, Danbo International School, new entrant, PANAF Schools and Adeyemo College participate in sports, health science and physical health education quiz.

Addressing participating students and their teachers before the commencement of the quiz challenge, CEO/President of the organization, Joshua James, who is also the Executive Director of Open Kaduna Radio Program, explained the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and Nigeria’s and Kaduna State journey to the OGP as well as the criteria for joining.

James, also highlighted the State Action Plan that serves as a guide to the implementation of the commitments, adding that the two editions of the School Sports Challenge has been funded from private pocket.

On his part, Mr Akau Istifanus who represented Partnership to Engage Reform and Learn (PERL) a DFID funded program shared the activities of PERL and the support they provide to citizens to enhance focused citizens engagement and participation, with the participants.

Akau, added that it has become increasingly important for students to be exposed to issues of governance at an early age for them to be abreast in order to make informed decisions.

Jay Concept International is a media consulting outfit that primarily deal with media contents and educating citizens especially youths on issues of governance.

Both students and teachers who were at the event could not hide their joy and expressed delight at attending the challenge and called on corporate organizations to provide sponsorship for sustainability.

At end of the quiz challenge, PANAF Schools came first, clinching the gold medal as overall champion with 75 points after 3 rounds of questions, while Adeyemo College came second and took the Silver medal with an accumulation of 60 points, and former defending champions DANBO International School coming third with 50 points and won the Bronze medal.

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