Ex-US Ambassador Says: Why Jonathan May Win Despite Opposition Strength

Ex-US Ambassador
Says: Why Jonathan May
Win Despite Opposition


The former US Ambassador
to Nigeria, John Campbell
has said that despite the
strength of the opposition,
President Jonathan may
emerge the winner of the
March 28 polls.
He said this in a report titled
“Nigeria’s 2015 Presidential
Election: Contingency
Planning Memorandum
A parts of the report read:
“The APC is stronger than its
predecessors (Action
Congress of Nigeria and
Congress for Progressives
Change) and reflects a
splintering of the political
“The government’s inability
to defeat Boko Haram, the
economic hardships brought
on by falling oil prices, and a
growing public perception
that the Jonathan
administration is weak has
fuelled support for the All
Progressives Congress.
Though the APC’s voter base
is in the North, it enjoys
support all over the country,
unlike the opposition in
“It is uncertain whether any
provisions will be made for
voters in the three northern
states placed under a state of
emergency because of Boko
Haram, as well as the
estimated one million people
displaced by the insurgency.
“These displaced voters
would likely support Buhari
and the APC; their exclusion
would benefit Jonathan and
the Peoples Democratic Party
(PDP). Thus despite the
strength of the opposition,
Jonathan remains the likely
—but not certain—winner.”


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