A 27 year old mother of 3 daughters, whose family has greatly benefitted from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Cash Transfer, a social intervention programme has ignited her hope of seeing her daughters becoming Soldier, Doctor and Banker respectively.
The woman, Uwani Abdullahi, who hails from Rimawa community in Goronye LGA of Sokoto State, 90 kilometres away from the capital city of Sokoto, where UNICEF implemented its ‘Girls Education Project (GEP3), funded by UK Department of International Development (DFID).
UNICEF Cash Transfer project is an education sector intervention viable programme aimed at increasing school enrolment, attendance and retention for children and improving the social protection for households in the benefitting communities.
Speaking with a team of journalists from various media organizations from across the country who visited UNICEF GEP3 benefitting schools, on Thursday, during a two-day Media Dialogue on ‘Educate-a-Child Cash Transfer Programme in Northern Nigeria’ in Sokoto, organized by The Child Rights Information Bureau of the Federal Ministry of Information and the United Nations Children Funds (UNICEF), Uwani, said the programme has not just improve the economy of her family, but has also given her hope that her children will become what she wished for them.
The unconditional Cash transfer programme is specifically designed to support families with the direct and opportunity costs of children’s education especially girls’, according to UNICEF.
It is a programme that allows the poorest families in the communities benefitting from it, receive cash of #5000 per child every term thereby receiving #15,000 yearly to counter the direct and opportunity costs of education thereby reducing economic and child labor barriers.
According to Uwani, who’s three daughters have benefited from the programme, after buying her children all necessities required for their education, the rest of the money is channeled to the upkeep of her home.
“When i collected the Cash Transfer money, after buying my children their uniforms, books and every other things, I spent the remaining money to run the house because my husband does not have money and I am the one taking care of the house.
“I used part of the money to buy goats that am rearing and when the children needs anything, I will sell a goat to solve the issue. The programme has really helped me and my family and am using this opportunity to call on UNICEF to continue the programme so that we will continue to benefit.” She added.
She said in order for her dreams for her daughters to come true, she will ensure that they don’t stop their education at the primary level, but complete their secondary and tertiary education.
The dreams according to her, are; for the first one (Sumaya Abdullahi), who is already 15years, to become a Soldier, the second, (Amina Abdullahi), 14years, a Doctor and Asmau Abdullahi, 13years a Banker.
Apart from her goat business and other petty trade, Uwani, added that she equally do little jobs like washing and cleaning for privilege people in her community, where she saves up to #1,500 every month.
When asked why she will love to become a soldier, her first daughter, Sumaya Abdullahi, simply said, “because I want freedom and protection.”