Students, Refugees Accuses Centre Director of Rape, Dehumanization
By Alex Uangbaoje, Kaduna
Ex-students of the Stephen Centre International, has accused the Director of the centre, Reverend Isaac Oluwole Newton Wusu, of taking undue advantage of them, by raping 20 of their teenage girls and dehumanising some of the boys.
The Stephen Centre International is an institution and vocational training centers dedicated to brothers and sisters persecuted for the sake of Christ and His church. It is a place where the family of Martyrs are being trained without any charge.
The accusation was leveled against him by the Concerned Past Students of Stephen’s Children Home (COPASSTECH), Abeokuta Ogun State, at a press briefing held at the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Kaduna State Council on Thursday.
“It is a great honour to stand before you on this very day to attest and speak out against the dehumanization, molestatation and abuse we are subjected to at the hand of the accused, Rev Isaac Oluwole Newton Wusu, who being our guardian decided to torment and violate our fundamental human rights under the disguise of sponsorship and scholarship at a named institution “Stephen Centre International” which is located at Abeokuta, Ogun State.
“It is on record that over 20 female students had been sexually violated by the accused Director. Interestingly, some of them are here today and are willing to testify on the horrific ordeal they experienced in the center.
“The male students on the other hand were subjected to dehumanizing and excruciating labour during the construction of some structures which were budgeted and paid for by foreign sponsors.
“You can imagine as little as we were; some of us were given some few slices of bread after a hard labour as a recompense for energy expended,” the group said, in the text of statement jointly signed by its National President, Ado Nicodemus Baggibawa, General Secretary, Bawa Victor Hassan and almost 40 former students of the centre.
They explained that as time passed by, they all began to notice some changes and differences in the way they were being treated, especially gender wise.
“This was out of the fact that the Director started taking undue advantages of the children especially the young teenage girls by luring and showering them with gifts in disguise of being his good friends which often leads to harassment and abuse of some of them.
“One of the victims stated that he put drugs in her drinks, only to wake up and discovered that she was stained with blood, another has it that being like a father he sent her to prepare his bed, only for him to tip toes after her and held her by the waist and told her he wants to have a taste of her, to this he promised to send money to her mother, brothers and sisters but because she refused to give in, he made her stay in the centre a living hell.
“It is widely acclaimed and known among the students at the centre that his victims call him names like Anaconda, kusa, Viju Milk etc,” they stressed.
They further explained that however, there was a certain time when report reached the foreign sponsors on the failing state and the dehumanizing practices that have eroded the centre.
” In 2012, some of those sponsors came to investigate the matter, however, the Director of the centre used the staff to intimidate the victims so as to exonerate and cover his evil practices as a remedy to the survival of the centre.
“We on the other hand, started holding meetings in various states of the country after noticing some of these anomalies. We subsequently had to solicit for a way forward which has been totally misconstrued by many in the first instance.
It is also worthy of note, that we wanted to solve the issue amicably as a family.
“So, some of us “the alumni” met the Director with our complains and discoveries but he on the contrary is disseminating false impression that we are only but sponsored to cripple his so called achievements.
” The director has been and is still using his influence, connections and spontaneous wealth to buy his way and change the narratives in his favour. However, the question we the victims have been asking is, how on earth, we all after going through this tragic experience can be subjected to this round of unimaginable insinuation which fundamentally has no base?
“Following our Press release in Ogun State on the 9th of January, 2018, Child Protection Network (CPN) Ogun State reported the case to the appropriate authority which was later taken to the court. It is so unfortunate that the case was never heard, no court appearance and no investigation was carried out, only to wake up one early morning and found a newspaper publication on “the Nation” that the case had been “stroked out”.
“Only leave us with a profound question of “is there nothing fishy about this whole issue of a case been struck out?” They queried.
They said that while in the centre, their education, feeding, clothing, and shelter were catered for by donations from various sister missions overseas, who made it possible for the Director to oversee the affairs of the institutions.
“These donations were generated on the basis of the unfortunate demise of one or both parents in the religious crisis through various publications and videos depicting the deteriorating state of our well being.
When contacted on phone, the Director of the centre said that those accusing him were financially induced to blackmail him.
He denied all the allegations and pointed out that already the matter was in court, wondering why they were still taking the matter to the press.