Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital (ABUTH) Zaria, is not only the first among

equals, but actually the pioneer of almost all medical advancement in Nigeria. Formally

Ahmadu Bello University Institute of Health, it is the greatest health edifice established

and bequeathed to our present generations by Sir Ahmadu Bello, the Sardauna of Sokoto

and Premier of Northern Nigeria. The hospital has, over the years, groomed and produced

generations of professors in almost every medical field known to man.

As enshrined in the international workers’ rights code, all workers’ unions operate freely

at ABUTH within the bounds of law – enjoying its state-of-the-art facilities and the

patronage of its friendly management. Unfortunately, the leadership of the Association of

Resident Doctors (ARD) at the hospital has been recently hijacked by some negative

elements of the cult. The greedy and ‘villains of the piece’ are taking the ARD for a ride

and, as expected, their substance has began to manifest in a foolish way. The outcries:

‘No cotton and spirit at ABUTH’, ‘No anti-venom at ABUTH’, ‘No Security at ABUTH’,

‘No Sanitation at ABUTH’ e.t.c, are nothing but their foolish way of expressing their

negative minds. Fortunately, the teeming number of patients, their relatives and friends

who patronize the hospital have all the senses it takes to ascertain the validity or falsity of

the above foolish claims!

We, the Northern Kaduna State Youth Forum (NOKASYF), have taken time to ascertain

the claims for ourselves, and even gone further to fathom the reality of things beyond the

cloud of the ARD’s frothy ravings! We have found out that, among other things, the

followings are the actual reasons behind the vaneers of their mischievous outcries:

1. The ARD members’ unreasonable insistence on getting their ‘training allowance’

even in the grim face of the current realities of general economic recession in the

country. We learnt that there has been no fund release from the government in this

respect for quite some times. Yet the ABUTH management prudently utilizes their

meager Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) in settling the allowances, just to get

things going. However, the ARD’s incessant strike action (12 times in 2 years!)

has adversely affected the frequency of the IGR accruance to such a point it could

no longer settle the ‘training allowance’. Who is then to blame?!

2. The doctors’ demand for ‘skipping salary’ has been considered by the Government

but would have to be appropriated for in the budget. The Hon. Speaker, National


Assembly, Mr. Yakubu Dogara, has reiterated while intervening in the NARD

strike few weeks ago that, ABUTH is among the 42 hospitals in Nigeria with no

fund to pay skipping salary for doctors as at now. Why are you the ONLY ones to

raise dust?!

3. The ARD members’ unbridled greed propensity for money, money and money

alone! Their inconsiderate strike actions are clear testimony to the fact that the

hospital they claim to work for has no place in their money-engraved hearts! Our

communities have began to understand this! Although they earn a frightening

lump-some of money as their take-home pay, these ‘doctors’ are badly ingrate and

never contented. All the other cadres in the hospital staff are witnesses to this

unfortunate reality of the doctors’ mentality.

4. The ARD members’ complete lack of patriotism as required for proper discharge

of duty and quality service delivery in public institutions. Professionalism coupled

with patriotism make a useful and good citizen. Devoid of all sense of patriotism,

many of these ‘doctors’ behave no better than any unreliable gold-digger!

5. It is apparent that, the ABUTH (under the present Chief Medical Director, Prof.

Lawal Khalid) has recorded some amazingly stupendous developments in every

sphere of hospital management. The total rehabilitation of the hitherto abandoned

Tudun Wada ABUTH Old Site is a case in point. It takes a combination of patriotic

magnanimity, heroic spirit and administrative expertise to restore life to a decayed

hospital, reduced to an eerie heap of rubles by years of utter neglect. The ABUTH

Old Site is now brighter and consists of facilities more modern than the New Site.

Let everybody visit it for once to praise the Lord aloud for this wonderful

achievement. Zaria communities and environs are extremely happy and equally

indebted to the present ABUTH management for bringing this auspicious health

facility closer to their doorsteps once again. Yet it is apparent that, those internal

‘suspicious elements’ are nervously uncomfortable with this development for

reasons best known to them.


1. To bring this palaver to an end, we earnestly call on the Federal Government to,

without further delay, cancel the payment of this controversial ‘training allowance’

for Resident Doctors. It is worrisome that the so-called allowance has the capacity

to excessively spoil the doctors and blur their eyes from seeing the present

Nigerian economic reality. Henceforth, let these haughty doctors fund their own

training allowance as DO all the other professionals in Nigeria.

2. It is worthwhile to mention that, the communities of the hospital’s catchment area

are awfully unhappy with the doctors’ epileptic service delivery. We are furiously

angry with these doctors’ gold-digger mentality. To be specific, we would NO

LONGER condone any attempt by these doctors to disparage and smear the good


image of our glorious hospital. If any doctor is tired of the ABUTH service, let

him or her simply take a bow and leave!

3. We want patriotic citizens as our doctors NOT unreliable gold-diggers! We

therefore call on the Federal Ministries of Health and Education to critically

overhaul and review the old defective curricular for all Medical-related courses. To

make it complete, whole and positive, that missing moral and patriotic ingredients

must be injected into it without further delay.

4. We also call on the ARD members to respect themselves and ONLY do what will

promote the good image of our prestigious hospital – which we are ready to go

extra miles to protect! Why MUST you betray and bite the hand that feeds you?

The hospital pays you salary every month without failure. That alone is enough

reason for you to be grateful, patriotic and ethically active doctors, please. Kada a

rasa ido wajen neman gira!

5. As our Royal Father, we humbly call on the Emir of Zazzau, Alh. (Dr.) Shehu Idris

(CFR) to majestically intervene in the matter and call the wayward ARD members

to order for the LAST time. If, notwithstanding, they adamantly proceed on the

strike by September 15, 2016 as they have threatened to (Daily Trust, September

6, 2016), we will accordingly disclose our next course of action!

                           Signed :

Alhussain Yahya Ahmed Abdullahi Dabo

Secretary General Publicity Secretary.‎

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