President Buhari orders closure of all Shoprite stores

President Buhari has ordered the closure of retail store giants, Shoprite and Next Cash ‘N’ Carry.

The mega stores have been given a seven day ultimatum to correct their errors or face outright ban in country.

The president’s stance was made public by the Nigerian Biosafety Management Agency, NBMA.

The warning was handed out to representatives of the two superstores at a briefing in Abuja on Friday.

Speaking unbehalf of the president, to the DG of NBMA, Dr. Rufus Ebegba, the stores violated certain safety rules.

“Recently, we carried out a survey of likely GMO products and we have been able to have some collections, some materials that we call GMO suspects.

“We invited the superstores for them to understand that some of their products need to be properly ascertained selling.

“Our interest lies in all imported products that may contain genetically modified materials.

“There is a law in place regarding all GMO’s

“We will not want any segment of the society out of ignorance to act in manners that will infringe on the law.

“If they have any GMO food in their stores, they should withdraw them from their shelves within seven days.

“The NBMA will not hesitate to shut down those stores found selling GMO products.

“We will not want to see any GMO food in your stores. We urge you to comply with this Act.

“We have taken samples, which we are analyzing. This information is not peculiar to only the superstores.

“We are not threatening anybody, we are just telling you the consequences of dealing in GMO products if found in these stores.

“Within the next seven days, we believe you will withdraw from your shelves all foods that are derived from genetically modified organisms.

“Please, it is an advice and this advice is not without a legal backing.

“So we urge you to withdraw all GMO foods from your shelves and formalize your dealings by obtaining permits.

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