Nigerian CSOs Reviews RMNCAH+N Investment Case

Press Statement

Civil society organizations from national and subnational coalitions met in Kaduna for a 2-day retreat, 21st-22nd July, 2018, where they reviewed Nigeria’s RMNCAH+N (GFF) Investment case.

The meeting focused on what the Investment Case priorities are, the gaps and developed advocacy messages and tools to engage national and sub-national leaders.

The Africa Health Budget Network (AHBN) facilitated the meeting, which comprises the Community and Health Research Initiative (CHR), Nigeria GFF CSOs Working Group, National Advocates for Health (NA4H), Nigeria Youths Champions for Universal Health Coverage (NYC4UHC), Niger State Coalition on MNCH and Representative of GFF CSOs working group in Abia State.

Based on the review of the interventions proposed by the GFF Investment Case, the coalitions observed that not all States of the Federation are covered and not all RMNCAH+N services in the Minimum Package of Activities (MPA) are addressed. Also, Nutrition Services are not specified just as the Basic Minimum Package of Health Services (BMPHS) pertinent to RMNCAH+N barely address the problems.

The expected result on Reproductive Maternal Neonatal and Adolescent Health plus Nutrition (RMNCAH+N) which projected modern Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (mCPR) target of 43% by 2021 need to be reviewed, as the set target of about 200% is unrealistic. The reasons being that mCPR percentage has barely gone beyond 11% consistently over the years coupled with dwindling financial resources and the fact that Nigeria is not fully financing family planning.

In view of the above, the coalition recommend as follows:
• There is a need for pragmatic and a high absorption capacity in ensuring efficient Financing of the Investment Case through improved Budgetary Allocation to Health and Political will to make the Basic Health Care Provision Fund a statutory transfers as a means of securing the fund. In addition, there is need to leverage on other platforms to generate additional Funding for the BHCPF. The Nigeria Health Financing Strategy should be costed to complement the RMNCAH+N investment case.

• There should be an inclusive stakeholder’s consultation to provide a framework that will ensure efficient utilization of the Basic Health Care Provisional Funds (BHCPF), through the involvement of Civil Society Organizations, private sector, business community under Public Private Partnership (PPP) agreement.
• There is a need for an expanded coverage of all the interventions across all the 36 states and FCT, the broadening of the Minimum Package of Activities.
• That Reproductive health services should include comprehensive HIV Services, government should established youth friendly centres, including comprehensive family planning package, (not just the use of contraceptives) as well as holistic services for people with special needs.

Note to Editors

What is an Investment Case?
“The Investment Case is a description of the changes that a country wants to see with regard to reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health (RMNCAH) and a prioritized set of investments required to achieve these results. It is not a comprehensive description of all of the activities underway on RMNCAH in the country. Instead, it presents a compelling case for how a limited number of priorities will put the country on the path to improve the health of women, children, and adolescents over the long term and thereby contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.״

For example:
1. What Nigeria wants to achieve (the intended results?)
2. Where Nigeria is starting with on these aspects (e.g., the baseline) and where it wants to go over the next 15 years (aligned with the SDG timeframe).
3. Concrete targets for the initial period of three to five years
4. How the desired trajectory differs from the status quo.

Asma’u Ahmad, CHR Knowledge Management and Communication Coordinator at

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