Nigerian Children Concerned About Poor Education, Violence – Survey

Poor education, violence against children, and terrorism are among the biggest concerns for children in Nigeria, according to a new survey released by UNICEF on World Children’s Day. 

The survey was carried out in 14 countries across the world and it involved more than 11,000,  nine to 18-year old children.

 In Nigeria, the online survey carried out among 500 children revealed that eight in 10 children admitted worry a lot about poor education affecting children across the world, and seven in 10 children worry a lot about being personally affected by poverty. The results also indicate that 59 per cent of children do not trust their country’s leaders. 

“It is clear that children are acutely aware of the challenges their peers face across the world and they are afraid of being affected by these issues themselves,” said Mohamed Fall, Representative of UNICEF Nigeria. “The fact that our young people are telling us they do not think their opinion is heard or it does not have any impact, reflects that they feel powerless and disenfranchised.”

 Some of the key survey findings highlighted by children across Nigeria include:

.Nigerian children are most likely to worry about poor education, violence against children, and terrorism affecting their peers. They also worry about being personally affected by these issues and poverty.

Children in Nigeria defined poor education and poverty as issues they wanted world leaders to take action on.

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