Nigeria Media Struggling With Technological Advancement – AFINET 24, Boss
The President. AFRINET 24, Mr. Solomon Emmanuel has observed that the media in Nigeria is facing a tough technological advancement, because it is still struggling to pull out of the Digital Video (DV) stance.
Mr. Solomon Emmanuel said in a chat that his assessment and score of the media is about 55 percent, because of their lack of proper technological advancement unlike in the developed countries that are transmitting 24 on High Definition (HD).
“When it comes to technology advancement, Nigeria is still struggling to come out of DV. If you check the developed countries, most of them are transmitting 24 hours on HD, but here in Nigeria it is hard. For example, it is hard to see a television station broadcasting on HD”, the President remarked.
He called on media proprietors in the country to try to catch up with media houses outside our borders, discarding competition, pointing out that “most of the things we are doing outdated. So, we should introduce more equipment, try to be advanced and also transparent in whatever we do”.
Although he believes that the media is on the right track and would reach the HD destination, he however noted that their best is not enough because some aspects of their operation are on one direction without the investigative journalism; adding that Nigeria does not have enough media to cover her population.
He saw the relationship between the government and media as not cordial, because government is sometimes not there for them although it makes profitable use of them but not helpful.
The President observed that the media in many occasion doctor their report and focus more on government programmes, making the reportage to be slightly balanced and influenced by certain things.
Mr. Solomon Emmanuel who also has an electronic medium said he joined the media because of the passion he has haven worked as Studio Manager with the Quest Media, Abuja and the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), as Head of Sound on HIV programme, “Wetin Dey”.
He said that AFRINET 24, based in Kaduna with an online Television though narrowed to Hausa is streaming 24 hours series on Hausa and mobile phone on, while introducing specialty on entertainment because there is not enough of it cum children programmes on local stations.
He said that as an all Media in Nigeria face tough technological advancement , AFRINET 24 is building a cinema and Events Centre to carry out public enlightenment campaign, translating Chinese language into Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo for Star Times as well as the Johnsons family English cartoon into Hausa in DSTV with about 180 labour force.
However, the AFRINET 24 is not on a competitive stand as it believes on every medium to play its role for the total emancipation and development of the media in the country; considering that the Board and Management of AFRINET 24 relates with its staffers as a family and the staffers depend financially on what they do.