Maternal Mortality: AMDF Hold “MediaAfrica” Conference
By Alex Uangbaoje, Kaduna
Africa Media Development Foundation (AMDF) said it will on Tuesday, December 12th, 2017
hold its second annual Media Conference tagged “MediaAfrica” to discuss the role of the Media in Curbing Maternal Death.
In a statement signed by it’s Coordinator, Sekyen Dadik, AMDF noted that it came up with a Media Conference tagged ‘MediaAfrica’, a platform for national discourse to bring to the fore development issues affecting Nigeria and Africa at large and the place of the media in addressing such.
The statement added, “with the ever increasing focus of the global community on issues of maternal and child health amongst other sustainable development goals, the media as well as other development stakeholders must rise to the challenge and effectively contribute in curbing the increasing menace of maternal, neonatal and child mortality especially in Nigeria and Africa as a whole.
“MediaAfrica 2017 with the theme “MNCH in Nigeria: Progress, Opportunities, and challenges: The role of the Media in Curbing Maternal Death” is meant to draw the attention of media practitioners to deeply understand their role in reducing maternal death rate, especially in northern Nigeria, as well as help partners and government on media engagement strategies for effective result.
“As an organization that promotes development and investigative journalism, AMDF believes no development project can effectively achieve its desired goals without the involvement of the media.”
Participants are drawn from Media, Government, Development Partners, Non Governmental Organizations, and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).