Listen to Let’s Talk on Liberty Radio, 91.7 FM Every Thursday – Host Emmanuel Ado

Listen to Let’s Talk on Liberty Radio, 91.7 FM Every Thursday – Host Emmanuel Ado

Press Release

“We have the pleasure of introducing to you Lets Talk – Voice to Voices, a production of Mayad Communication Ltd.The main platform is radio,which is very powerful because of its instant reach.Currently Lets Talk airs on Liberty Radio 91.7FM – the unmistaken number one station in the north.It will also take advantage of the social media platforms – Facebook,Twitter etc to increase reach.Arrangements are on to syndicate Lets Talk to other radio stations in Abuja and Lagos.


“Let’s Talk is a refreshingly and incisive weekly current affairs programme ,conceived as a Voice to Voices,as a platform for the citizens and the government to interact and in the process deepen democracy and advance good governance,economic development,security and justice.

“Lets Talk will be thoughtful,thorough and balanced in the coverage of current,social and economic events that affect people and their daily lives.Lets Talk will empower the people wth the information they need,to make the best possible decisions on issues.It will continuously strive to maintain high professional standard.

“That Nigeria is so endowed with immense wealth and that other countries envy her is an obvious statement of fact.The painful truth is that, in spite of these potentials, it has remained a huge embarrassment to herself and the black race,that looks up to her for leadership.Nigeria is today one of the twenty five poorest nations in the world – a league it has no business being in.

“Chinua Achebe,the renowned author and critic in his seminal work ” The Trouble with Nigeria” stated ” the Nigerian problem is the unwillingness or inability of its leaders to rise to the responsibility and to the challenge of personal example,which are the hallmarks of true leadership” .He further asserted that with good leadership Nigeria can resolve its inherent problems- social injustice,indiscipline and corruption.

“LETS TALK whole heartedly shares Chinua Achebe’s sentiments.And this the rasion d’ etre for the programme.

“Lets Talk airs on Thursday every week and  at 8pm.Our guest this week,is the former deputy governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria,Dr.Obadiah Mailafia.He spoke on the budget,the economy and many other issues.                                
“The host Mr. Emmanuel Ado,the principal partner of Mayad Communication Ltd,is a thorough breed professional.At various times he reported for The Democrat,The National Concord,Viva Magazine and The Week magazine. He also provides critical  ” backgrounding” for  some local and foreign media on politics,economy and religion.He has provided media support for some governors,military chiefs,ministers,high net individuals and some government agencies.He is supported by a strong research team headed by Mary Keshi.

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