LEDAP Trains Key Education Officials in Kaduna on UBE Act Implementation
By Uangbaoje Alex, Kaduna
An NGO, Legal Defence and Assistance Project (LEDAP) with support from the Malala Fund, on Thursday trained 50 Key education officials in Kaduna State on the implementation of the Universal Basic Education Act.
LEDAP’s Program Director, Pamela Okoroigwe, at the opening of the training said the essence of the training is met to equip the education officials on what the Act is all about so they can support it’s implementation on the state.
According to Okoroigwe, the training in Kaduna was part of efforts to promote the right to quality basic education in the country. And will improve access to quality education, particularly the girl-child and other vulnerable children.
“The UBE Act provides for compulsory basic education, which made the right to quality basic education enforceable in the country.
“We are promoting the right to basic education in Nigeria because education is very fundamental to personal and national development.
She commended the Kaduna state government for providing free and compulsory basic education and free education to the girl-child up to completion of senior secondary school.
“We need people like you in the education sector yo drive the implementation of this Act in Kaduna State. We are aware that the Kaduna State Government is doing a lot in the education sector and we want to see a situation where other states around Kaduna can begin to learn from her. Okorigwe said.
LEDAP is an organization of lawyers and law professionals, engaged in the promotion and protection of human rights, the rule of law and good governance in Nigeria.
She added that LEDAP in filed a case against the Federal Government seeking to know if rights l to free education and compulsory education is enforceable, a case she won when the court declared that Nigeria have a right to Education as a result of the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) Act.
Earlier, the State Coordinator, Mr Daniel Abah, stressed the need to raise awareness on the right to basic education by all children, particularly the girl child.
Abah said that the training would bring the education officers up-to-speed on the enforceability of the UBE Act and support the government to implement free basic education in the state.