By Constable, Silas Yusuf  ‎

“A demotivated, demoralized, demoted,  depressed, over stressed, intimidated, hopeless, rejected, compromised, suicide conscious and pressurized Police rank and file can not maintain Law and order or protect live and property. Because, there is no peace/law/order in his heart and immediate family. In other words, you can not give what you do not have (Nemo dat quod non habet)”‎


I wish to exposed to Nigerians and Nigeria government what top management of the Nigeria Police force and police service commission are doing to encourage  POLICE Brutality, Extortion, Incivility, etc to Nigerians. 

These ASP~IGP in the force fails to understand that constant abuse and Fraudulent onslaught to rank and file have direct impact on safety of live and property in Nigeria. Because, it is the rank and file that have constant direct link and interacts with members of the public on daily basis. Thereby, making rank and file every day victims of circumstances, Dismissal, Fraud, Demotion, etc, to high authority in the Force. In return, Nigeria public have become victims of circumstances (Brutality, Extortion, Extra judicial killing, Rape, etc) to the frustrated rank and file.


First, Nigeria Police force rank and file every day WOEFUL performance is caused by CORRUPTION perpetuated by the ASP ~IGP. On many occasions it has been discovered that Nigeria Police force and police service commission’s top managements specializes in all forms of illegal deductions from the federal government approved salaries for rank and file. 

The take home pay for rank and file is as follows ; Constable N40,000, Corporal N42,000 ~ N46,000 and Sergeant N46,000 ~ N49,000, while ASP’s salary is N150,000. Nigeria government and Nigerians should cross check the above amount if that was the approved salary. They have no basis to deduct money for Uniforms, Touch light, Beret, Shoes, Belt, Buttons, Layard, Crest, Rain coat, sweater, stuck, Polish, etc from our salary. And, up to 98% rank and file buys accoutrements with their salary. 

And, Superior Police officers (ASP – IGP) normally collects returns/kickbacks {extorted and ill gotten money} from rank and file. And, their share is usually 50%-70% of all the ill gotten money, either from Patrol teams, Bails/bonds, Special duties and proceeds from legal/illegal allocated Beats. Rank and file that fails to manage the trouble he/she encounters in the course of Extortion are often denied, rejected, intimidated, coaxed, and at the long run dismissed out of the Force by ASP – IGP in order to cover their shame. And, save their job and dirty name.

Nigerians should as a matter of fact ask the IGP, why is it that of all his fight against corruption in the force, it is often constables/corporals/sergeants/Inspectors that have been dismissed out of the force. 

Are those in the rank of ASP – IGP are now Saints? (Hahahahahahaa) No, they are not saints, they are the reasons for POLICE Brutality, Extortion, Incivility,etc to members of the public. Because, these rank and file attempt to meet up the Fraudulent indirect/direct cash drive target set by saints ASP – IGP.

Secondly, Nigeria Police force rank and file woeful performance is caused by ZERO MOTIVATION/WELFARE. A great work place is one where employees are satisfied with their jobs. The reason behind this is that satisfied Police officers are more likely to perform their assigned duties efficiently and effectively. 

And, good conduct, temper, manners and the display of habitual courtesy towards the general public. Now,  expecting effective and efficient policing/protection of live and property from a police rank and file who are often seen as outcasts, alien, inferior and unfortunate elements will amount to ASP – IGP and Nigeria government ripping from where they did not sow.

Findings has revealed that majority of the  greatest source of ANGER and FRUSTRATION among rank and file have a crucial common DENOMINATOR ‘ASP – IGP’. Such as,  UNFAIR, INCONSISTENT Discipline and SUPERVISORY POLITICS. So therefore, unmotivated rank and file is unproductive Police officer who in all likelihood will look else where for NEGATIVE GREENER PASTURES (Extortion, Stealing, Robbery, etc).

Thirdly, woeful performance of rank and file is caused by COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE STAFFING POLICY. Staffing is the selection and training of individuals for specific job functions and charging them with the associated responsibilities. The Nigeria Police force and police service commission top managements have thrown the practice of modern staffing policy/HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT into the ocean of corruption, favoritism, nepotism, tribalism, cosmetics service, etc. Hence, they are not interested in the training, retraining and developing existing rank and file for career advancement that will meet the requirements of the Force in the future. Lack of qualified, experienced, well educated, civilised, well trained, etc, rank and file is the tragedy of Nigeria public. And, lack of career advancement is creating TOXIC ATMOSPHERE within the the force. These automatically is posing SAFETY HAZARDS and MORAL PANIC for Nigeria public.

The average career progression periods of rank and file to get promoted to his next rank is minimum of 6-13years. While that of ASP – IGP is every 2 years, they are promoted to their next rank.The Nigeria Police force is highly blessed with professionals in various Discipline with MSc, MPA MBA, MA, m tech, etc, B Sc, B Tech, B Eng, B A, etc, PGD, HND, ND, and NCE, held captive as rank and file. Upgrading these rank and file to their desired ranks and putting these human capital to use is the problem of the Nigeria Police force and police service commission Top managements. A lot of frustrated graduates amongst rank and file.


First, HIGH RATE of KIDNAPPING, ROBBERY, OIL BUNKERS, TERRORISM, CRIME. It is a known fact that behind most successful, unsuccessful kidnapping, robbery, oil bunkery, terrorism, etc a frustrated Police officer “rank and file” serving or dismissed is likely involved directly/indirectly.

Second, INCIVILITY, CIVIL LIABILITIES. As morale decreases use of FORCE and civilian complaints increases. Officers with low morale normally have lower TOLERANCE, may utilize poor JUDGEMENT and exhibit NEGATIVE feelings all of which leads to Police Brutality and poor performance of duties. Poor judgment often leads to Brutality, Extortion, Incivility, etc.

Third, SUICIDE CONSCIOUS RANK And FILE = Policing is recognized as a stressful occupation, regardless of the sources of stress e.g operational, organizational stress, etc. The Nigeria Police force has the highest rates of suicides, poverty, divorce, drug abuse, unkept, extra judicial killings and accidental shooting amongst law enforcement agencies in Nigeria. An Average frustrated Police rank and file is ready to kill innocent civilians and kill himself/be killed. The latest development is that police officers are now killing themselves at any slightest provocation while on duty/in office.

Fourth, LOW PRODUCTIVITY = Low morale damages Community – Oriented – Policing initiatives. It decreases the quality and frequency of police services. Unhappy rank and file on the other hand, shrugs off responsibilities, performs the bare minimum duty and wastes resources. When an officer refuses to combat crime effectively or investigate cases, the public PERCEPTION of the Force suffers. It does not only damages the public image of the Police Force but also the Nigeria Community.

Fifth , RESIGNATION, DESERTION, ABSENTEEISM. Virtually every rank and file who enters Nigeria Police force wants to make a difference. They begins their careers full of ENERGY, HOPE and OPTIMISM. The wickedness of ASP – IGP from that point forward helps to determines whether rank and file puts in his best in carrying out his duties effectively. And, decides to remain with the Nigeria Police force or resigned, desert.


FIRST, Nigerians should rise up and demand the sack of all the top management’s (ACP to IGP) of the Nigeria Police force and police service commission (Chairman, bad directors) for not doing the needful to combat crime in Nigeria. And, being insensitive to the welfare of rank and file. This will make the remaining officers to seat up. 

Also, if possible Nigeria government should declare STATE OF EMMERGENCY on the Nigeria Police force and police service commission. Because, they are worst than North Eastern part of Nigeria. 

Motivation/WELFARE of Rank and File: the motivation of rank and file should be a priority not alternative. Because, the behaviour of police officers are shaped by many factors such as education level, needs, promotions, socio-cultural, etc. Police officers can also be motivated through FINANCIAL and NON- FINANCIAL incentives. ASP – IGP and chairman/director of police service commission should stop illegal deductions on our salaries. 

Building Higher Morale; Right types of climate should be created for the rank and file to contribute to the achievements of the Force objectives. By performing the staffing functions effectively. Rank and File promotions should be within 3 years, And, BSc / HND should should be up graded now. This will boost the morale of rank and file.
Fourth , STOP WANTON DISMISSAL; Errant Police officer should be dealt with based on the rule of law, natural law, natural justice, legal justice, moral code, morale compass, etc. The Nigeria Police force and police service commission authority and general public should know that “a dismissed Police officer is somewhere across Nigeria giving consultancy services to all manner of criminals and subverting the efforts and strategies of combating crime by the Nigeria Police force.‎

The Nigeria Police Authority should always subject rank and file that are handling fire arms to periodic PSYCHOLOGICAL EVALUATION to monitor and stabilize their state of mind to reduce accidental shooting. And, killing of innocent civilians and fellow officers, at the long run killing himself.

The Nigeria Police force, should establish mutual beneficial relationship with the general public for effective policing by building trust and confidence. Through, workshops, symposiums, community service, giggles, effective policing., etc.

In conclusion, the top management’s of the Nigeria Police force and police service commission owns rank and file a lot of moral and legal obligations. Because, we, rank and file are the true image and backbone of the Force. Hence, rank and file are the ones performing the core Police Duties. ASP and IGP (supervisors) seat in the comforts of their offices to drink tea, then Lord over and keep defrauding rank and file. The IGP and police service commission chairman should take the training, retaining, promoting, upgrading and commending of rank and file as a priority. It is very important that Nigeria government and police authority take Welfare of rank and file seriously for effective and efficient policing. 

Constable Silas Yusuf, is a member of the Nigeria Police Force in one of the Northern State

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