Involve people in planning, implementing developmental programmes, Don tells Govts
Involve people in planning, implementing developmental programmes, Don tells Govts
Prof. Bala Dogo of the Kaduna State University (KASU) on Tuesday urged Government’s agencies and other development partners to always involve people in planning and implementing developmental projects and programmes.
Dogo made the call at KASU’s First Inaugural Lecture title, “Planning and Working with the People: An Essential Strategy for Human Development.’’
The lecturer, a Professor of Geography and the institution’s Dean of Post Graduate School, said that government must learn to work with the people to ensure sustainable development.
He decried the current practice where the governments and other stakeholders concentrate mostly on infrastructural development at the expense of human development.
According to him, development has two components; the place and the people, adding that sadly, government and their partners’ in working for the people, focuses more on infrastructure (place).
As a result, huge resources are spent on things that communities do not derive value and are left to rust away.
But working with the people would give you the opportunity to discuss with the community, know their needs and together decide on how to address them.
That way, the effort would be successful, properly monitored and sustained.’’
Dogo said that so much has been spent in hotels and consultancy with little or no impact at the targeted community, because the people were scheme out of the planning and implementation process.
The ordinary person wants to contribute in promoting development in his locality. He wants his opinion to be considered on issues affecting his existence, but they are often ignored.
You can strategically plan, mobilise resources, work, monitor, evaluate and take concrete action with the people around you by involving them from the planning process to the implementation.
Due to the complex nature of human beings, it is necessary to carry them along in executing any project and programmes associated with development to ensure it success,’’ he said.
Dogo, therefore, stressed the need to consult the people in identifying their needs, prioritise them and address them.
Earlier, the Vice Chancellor of the institution, Prof. William Qurix, said that the lecture was the first inaugural lecture held in the school since its establishment.
Qurix said that henceforth at least two inaugural lectures would be held every quarter and urged other professors to brace up.
We just began a culture that remained the pride of every university, where professors share from their well of experience in the academia.
Prof Dogo is the first to inaugurate the culture in KASU and I commend him for the effort,’’ Qurix said.