Council Of Imams, Ulamas Cautions Politicians Against Unguarded Utterances, Curses, Says It’s Unislamic
The council of Imams and Ulamas, Kaduna State chapter on Monday, condemned the ungaurded utterances of politicians particularly those who rain curses on their political opponents, describing it as ungodly and unislamic.Kaduna State Governor, Malam Nasir el-Rufai had recently asked God to punish the three Senators representing the State at the National Assembly for refusing to support the State $350 million loan request from the world bank.
Sequel to such outbursts among several other issues, the council of Imams and Ulamas while addressing a press conference on series of issues in the state and country at large, said, “politicians employed all means ethical and unethical to intimidate and demean their opponents, using foul language, political thugs, physical attacks and destruction of properties.
According to the the text of the conference jointly signed by Sheikh Usman Abubakar Babantine and Imam Musa Tanimu, Chairman and Assistant Secretary respectively, “The discernible sense of disillusionment of the masses was clearly seen during the justnconcludes intra party local government primary elections in many states in the country which resulted into rioting, use of weapons, massive killings and vandalism, this shows that we are still lacking qualitative and responsible political leadership.
“In a prophetic Hadith by Abu Zaid Ibn Dhahak narrated, the prophet (S.A.W)said: “a person cannot offer as a vow that which does not belong to him. cursing a believer is equal to slaying him” (Buhari and Muslims).
“In another narration, the noble prophet says; “when a person curses something, the curse ascends to the heaven and all the gates of heaven are closed against it. Then it decends to the earth and the gates of the earth are closed against it. It turns right and left and when it finds no exit it turns to the one who has been cursed and attaches itself on him if he should be deserving of bit, but if not. It returns to the one who uttered it” (Abu Daud).
“The recent utterances by a leading politician (well known for reckless statement) from Kaduna state by use of hash language, calling names and cursing of political opponents is very unfortunate and may likely trigger violent actions, counter reactions and portents a lot of danger to the country, the extent of which only Allah could tell.
“This type of political terrorism is against the teachings of Islam and contrary tkbthe provisions of the constitition of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and common sense.
Meanwhile, the council has called on those involved in the killings of innocent people to desists from such acts, fear God and repent, seeks for forgiveness because Allah is all forgiven.
“The council also called on the federal government to adopt proactive implementation of the economic policies of agriculture , industrial and manufacturing development towards improving the welfare and quality of life of Nigerians. Government should adopt deliberate policy to people the economy through massive injection of funds.
“The council called on preachers during the month of Ramadan and after tk fear Allah and adhere to the guidelines for preaching which they all know.”
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