Combined Igbo, Yoruba keyboard now available

Managers of, an online database of Yoruba names, said they have introduced an Igbo/Yoruba languages keyboard layout that allows users type both Nigerian languages.

According to the Yoruba Name team, this latest development is a response to many of its follower’s demand who had requested for such a feature.

The new feature will also include tone marks such as “á” and sub-dots such as “ụ”.

The team says the combined keyboard, which is offered to users free of charge, will help both Igbo and Yoruba speakers hoping to write in their languages.

The new layout is very similar to last year’s Yoruba keyboard layout, using ALTGR combinations on Windows and ALT on Mac, but it contains extra characters needed for Igbo such as ị, ụ and ñ.

The team further explains that the user guides have also been revised to incorporate users’ feedback.

The Igbo/Yoruba Windows keyboard layout installation pack and the Igbo/Yoruba Mac keyboard layout is available for download on the website.

The team says, adding that the one-page manual, also available on the website, will show users how to set it up and within minutes, learn how to start typing in Igbo, Yoruba and English without switching language preferences.

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