Breast Cancer Awareness: CiSCANEN Takes Campaign to Kakuri Community in Kaduna State
By Alex Uangbaoje, Kaduna
As part of efforts to ensure that awareness campaign for the eradication of cancer reaches the ordinary people in the society, Civil Society For Cancer Eradication in Nigeria (CiSCANEN), kaduna Chapter at the weekend organized a road walk, tagged “Walk and Win For Life” in Kakuri Community in Laguna State.
Addressing a huge crowd of students, mothers, CSOs and government officials, convener of the road walk, Mrs Phoebe Yayi, who is also the state coordinator of CiSCANEN, said that creating the needed awareness is crucial in winning the fight against cancer.
She noted that some people in the society still believe that is a spiritual thing, thereby hindering every opportunity to properly manage it.
Mrs Yayi, said cancer is not a death sentence and that it is curable when detected early, adding, “I am standing with you here today as a breast cancer survivor because mine was dictated early.”
“Cancer is a far cry from what people termed death sentence, cancer is like any other disease, it can affect anybody, it is no respecter of anybody, it is no respected of status, is no respected of your wealth or education.
“So if you are diagnose of cancer, don’t loose hope, the remedy is early detection, it gives better chances of survival, it gives better chances of management and it gives better chances of living your life just the way you want to live it.”
She attributes her survival to divine intervention by God and that the Grace of God is still keeping her, however, she explained that she was able to manage it because she got to know about it at the early stage.
She said various awareness campaigns has made it possible for a lots of people to be come aware and defecting it early can go a long way in helping a carrier and gives a better chance to survive.
This year’s road walk, aerobics and talk gave people in Kakuri Community in Kaduna South Local Government Area an opportunity to learn about the benefits of early cancer detection.
The walk, which started from Gwamna Awan Hospital move to Samaru Road at the premise’s of LGEA Primary School, Kakuri venue of the exercise and talk. The event was supported by the Kaduna State Budget and Planning Commission, NOCACO and MicroManna.