Boko Haram: Chadian President tells Shekau to surrender or be killed

Boko Haram: Chadian
President tells Shekau
to surrender or be


Idriss Deby  Chadian president
Wednesday said he knew the
hideout of Boko Haram leader,
Abubakar Shekau, and vowed
that the leader of the insurgent
group will be killed if he fails to
“It is in Abubakar Shekau’s
interest to surrender, we know
where he is. If he refuses to give
himself up, he will suffer the
same fate as his comrades,” Mr.
Deby said at a press conference
with his visiting Niger
counterpart, news agency AFP
Mr. Deby vowed to “wipe out”
Boko Haram, responsible for
more than 15,000 deaths.
Mr. Shekau has remained in
hiding since his group started out
in 2009 targeting civilians,
security officials, villages, schools,
markets and places of worship.
He however appears infrequently
in propaganda videos released by
the sect.
The Nigerian military has
repeatedly, but incorrectly,
claimed to have killed Mr.
Shekau, who is also wanted by
the United States government.
Lately, increased military
operations by Nigeria, Chad,
Cameroun and Niger have
apparently pushed back Boko
Haram, with Nigerian forces
recovering several towns held by
the group.
The Chadian Army also
announced this week that it
retook the key town of Dikwa in
Borno State.
At the press conference on
Wednesday, the Chadian leader
said Mr. Shekau fled Dikwa after
his troops chased out Boko
Haram fighters on February 17.
According to the AFP, the
Chadian army at the time said
two of its soldiers and 117 Boko
Haram Islamists were killed in
the fighting.
“We are going to win the war and
we are going to wipe out Boko
Haram, contrary to what certain
media think. The Chadian and Niger forces will
continue their mission to finally put an end to
this shadowy group,” Mr. Deby said.
Mr. Deby had been accused in the past of
providing a safe haven for Boko Haram
insurgents, and was purportedly the mediator in
a phony ceasefire between the Nigerian
government and the sect in 2014.


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