Biafran is Threatening the Peace of Nigeria – Igbo Group


In the time past, In the beginning, while there exist a people scattered around this region of West Africa, Icons from various tribes; Igbo, Yoruba, Hausa, Fulani, to name a few, in their selflessness sought the liberation of a great nation, one family, which they christened Nigeria.

Today their realization, Nigeria, is threatened by the activities of Iconoclasts and over ambitious groups overridden by selfish desires. These Iconoclasts and groups have through their actions, statements and deeds, brainwashed many law abiding citizens to believe in their unjust cause. They have in their statements and press conferences cited purported weaknesses of this great nation, Nigeria, thereby interfering with her growth.

Ours is a nation which began to experience waves of turmoil barely six years after independence, when Dim Odumegwu Ojukwu for reasons known to himself declared the Eastern region of Nigeria as ‘The Sovereign State Of BIAFRA’, thereby disrupting the economic development of a ‘Baby Nigeria’, and sentenced millions of misled souls to massacre; thus the emergence of the most threatening tribal and ethnic Chaos in our great nation. 

Since then, erratic Iconoclasts have cast stones through their venomous statements and selfish acts under the guise of liberation, Individual groups have contributed their own quota through their actions and agitations, and yet Nigeria is today accused of being weak and incapacitated?

Today, BIAFRA threatens the peace and unity of Nigeria, and has so far proved to be irrational in their operations in the South-Eastern part of Nigeria, especially under the leadership of a ruthless leader, Nnamdi Kanu (IPOB).

If Nigeria is criticized of any wrong today, then it is imperative to state that every tribe and citizen is responsible thereof. The failure of Nigeria today as a nation depicts the weakness of every tribe and citizens that lies therein.

Nigeria, my people, my family, look into the chaos caused by the activities of NNAMDI KANU, his agitation for a sovereign nation, not with your physical eyes but with your mind’s eyes, to see and behold what his true intentions really are. His utterances and actions is a feeble attempt to rejuvenate the sad memories of the civil war of 1967, ‘THE HOLOCAUST’.

Iconoclasts have been jailed; Yet Nigeria is FREE, Terrorists have been killed; Yet Nigeria LIVES, what other evidences do we need to see that if there exists a New Jerusalem, a people chosen by God to prosper amongst enemies and foes; that such a nation is none other than Nigeria. 





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