Atiku is Coming – Dr Sani
Dr. Sani Adamu is the Chief Strategist to the former Vice President and Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in the 2019 presidential election Alhaji Atiku Abubakar.
In this interview with Mike Odeh, Dr. Sani, bare his mind on the presidential election, INEC argument on the “Server”, Atiku’s supporters, what Atiku represents, and many more. And he is optimistic that Atiku is coming to become the president on Nigeria. Excerpts………..
You are one of the strongest voices that campaigned vigorously for Atiku under your multiple platforms,, Project774ForAtiku2019, The Pukka Initiative among others, why are you optimistic that Atiku can make a difference as the president of Nigeria?
I wish to thank you most sincerely for the opportunity to throw more light on the person of Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, the former Vice President and the Waziri of Adamawa.
I am optimistic that Atiku Abubakar has made and will continue to make a difference in the lives of Nigerians and the political & economic development of Nigeria. Since Atiku Abubakar made a foray into the politics of Nigeria beginning in the late 80s, nothing of significance has happened without his leadership and significant input. The political history and development of Nigeria will be incomplete without Atiku Abubakar.
Remember the adage that ”whatever Atiku touches prospers”. Significantly, the build up to the 2019 Presidential elections clearly indicated that the Atiku Plan is what Nigerians desperately wanted. Nigeria is also a successful businessman, by any standard.
He is an employer of labor, an educationist, a Philanthropist and a promoter of youths entrepreneurship. Atiku promised to give the youths of this Country up to 40% of cabinet positions. He is a bridge builder and a transitionary leader between the elders in politics and the youths who are to succeed them.
Atiku is poised to reduce and eliminate poverty because he has experience, improve security and peace, unite the various ethnicities of Nigeria who feel marginalized. He is the father of restructuring Nigeria for the benefit of all.
When you combine the above attributes with his international connections and urbane outlook, I bet you Nigeria and Nigerians will witness great prosperity, peace & security, and economic development. The signs are there, Atiku is coming, InshaAllah.
Based on your last press briefing, it seems as if you are disappointed in the attitude of some of Atiku’s support based in the country, you seems to be saying they deserted him when he needed them most, why so?
My disappointment with the attitude of some Atiku’s supporters, stems more from the fact that most of them do not understand the need to sustain the struggle, the challenges, the peaceful protests and the essence of peaceful resistance to the travesty of justice and the despotic tendencies of the BUHARI Administration.
Unless all of us, the young and the old, the rich and the poor come together under the leadership of some of the prominent supporters of Atiku Abubakar, this administration may continue to deny us some rights and freedom, including the right to justice and fair play.
Politics all over the world is a game of numbers. We believe that Atiku Abubakar won the 2019 Presidential election . What we want to see is the mobilization of a size able number of supporters to maintain the struggle, so that the international Community will be strengthened to act on behalf of the majority and force the hands of the judiciary to deliver justice without fear or favor. Not of that of the political jagons [I belong to everybody and i belong to no body].
When we are not heard, when we are not seen, when our silence sends the wrong message to the Dictator, the CABAL and the APC, we would be doing a great disservice to our leader Alhaji Atiku Abubakar. Have we abandoned him? Have we been bought over? Are we afraid of molestation by the security agencies? Have we actually deserted him?
These are questions likely to linger in the minds of average Nigerian. That is why I call on all the prominent citizens we had seen with Atiku in the past to continue to lead and demonstrate publicly, that we believed in our leader and we believed he won the 2019 Presidential elections, and we keep faith with God and the Judiciary to deliver justice and restore the mandate to Atiku Abubakar to lead Nigeria.
It is my belief that Alhaji Atiku Abubakar deserves a measure of public support and empathy from his close companion and cycle of friends.
If Atiku is out of the country we would like to see the heavyweights appear in court, to boost the moral of our legal team extend hand of fellowship to one another and lift up some of the burden on the Atiku himself.
Most time i used to think, although there’s a popular saying even in the holy books that prophets are rarely accepted in their immediate community eg Jesus and Abraham and prophet Muhammad” etc. those that mean Allah swt send them with a wrong message” actually not.
You recently held a press conference and faulted INEC’s position on the server it claimed it only experimented with in Osun, and then it was followed by the tribunal’s refusal to grant Atiku and the PDP access to the server, what is your reaction to this?
My reaction to INEC and its Amber dances in the public square with regards to SERVER is to assure Nigerians that our days in Court or the tribunal is slowly but surely coming.
I marvel at the spirited effort of Prof Yakubu and the leadership of INEC, when they make conflicting statements with regards to the SERVER. “Laughable” as if they’re telling us all the banks that works with ATM hasn’t have server because INEC used VotersCard too as means of identification, Unknown to both INEC and the CABAL, the deployment of electronic collation was actually planned to disenfranchise Nigerians.
They never thought even for a minutes, that electronic transmission and collation of election result will be challenged in Court in the manner Alh Atiku Abubakar and the PDP is doing.
When INEC was forced by the CABAL to tamper with the results of the 2019 Presidential election, they forgot that traces of evidence could be left in the ICT systems, particularly the SERVER. When it became apparent that Atiku Abubakar has documents in his possession to support his petition at the tribunal, the whole of INEC and the CABAL were thrown into confusion.
All we did to approach the tribunal to prove to the whole world that INEC indeed has a SERVER, and it’s actually transmitted the Presidential elections electronically through the CARD READER. The issue of inspecting INEC’s election materials including the SERVER came up early enough, as part of our legal strategy to ambush both INEC and the APC down the line.
I therefore wish to assure our supporters that the refusal by the tribunal to allow our legal team to access and inspect the SERVER is still at the heart of this trial. This is a temporary refusal by the tribunal, who in their own wisdom, intends to hear more arguments before granting our legal team the permission to inspect all election materials including the server.
This is a simple technical delay. It will not translate into denial. We are on the right side of justice and FairPlay . We believe the tribunal will do what is right and also do the right things.
You expressed confidence in the judicial system the other time, are you still optimistic that the judiciary would be just to your principal Atiku Abubakar, at the end of the trial?
As democrats, we firmly believe in the judiciary. The history of Atiku Abubakar and the numerous successes he received for democracy and Nigerians, is enough testimony, that Alh Atiku Abubakar solemnly, firmly and optimistically believes in the tribunal and the Judiciary of this Country.
The approach of Atiku Abubakar to politics and Buissiness is the same. Every endeavor has rules and regulations. In the event that the rules and regulations are deliberately broken for selfish reasons, the Judiciary is there to intervene and protect the weak or the strong, without fear or favor. One thing I can assure is this, Atiku does not go to Court without proving his case before the Honourable Judges, convincing them beyond reasonable doubt, that he is on the right side of the law, and will expect justice to be delivered.
We are approaching this petition with the same state of mind. The Judiciary will deliver justice.
Don’t you think Buhari won in 2019 because Nigerians who voted for him in 2015 could have maintained their loyalty for him?
I think you are missing the point. Remember that in 2015 the alliance of the political heavyweights including the likes of Alh Atiku Abubakar, former President Obasanjo, former Senate President Olusola Saraki, Speaker Yakubu Dogara, Senator Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso and the Murtala Nyako group ( including Gov. Tambuwal and Bafarawa of sokoto) all came together to make the 2015 victory possible for Buhari.
To be honest with you, Buhari could never have won that election without that sudden change in fortune for GEJ. Even then, the gap was less than 2million votes. This includes the massive rigging in the North Eastern States of Borno, Yobe, Gombe and Bauchi. The massive votes Buhari received from Kano was due to Kwankasiyya activities.
Fast forward to 2019, all the alliances went to Atiku Abubakar. That was how Atiku won the 2019 elections, in the face massive rigging in Katsina, Borno and Yobe. All projections for 2019 gave Atiku a victory margin of more than 1.6 million.
We shall prove to you at the tribunal that Atiku Abubakar actually won the 2019 Presidential elections , as supported by the electronic collation and transmission to the INEC SERVER. Most voters regretted voting for Buhari in 2015. They refused to make the same mistake in 2019.
What inspires you to continue with the struggle to actualize the Atiku Abubakar Presidency, even at the expense of your life and means of livelihood?
I find my inspiration in the love of my Country Nigeria and Alh Atiku Abubakar as a completely detribalized Nigeria who possess the leadership qualities whose time has come. Nigeria is in dire need of a leader who understands the demands of the present and the promise of the future.
We desperately need a bridge builder who will unite us and connect the present to the past. We need someone who has made a contribution to the struggle to ensure that democratic ideals and the sanctity of the constitution is upheld.
We need someone dependable, capable, courageous, tactical, experience, fearless, internationally connected, employer of labor, educationist, a successful businessman who has seen it all and tasted all sides of life. These were the ideals I searched for when I founded in 2011.
Immediately after the PDP Presidential nominations in 2011, I began to zero in on Atiku ABUBAKAR. After a careful consideration of the need of that moment, I arrived at the conclusion that ALHAJI ATIKU ABUBAKAR IS THE MAN.
Without consulting Atiku Abubakar or anyone else, I began the struggle to draft Atiku Abubakar to prepare to contest the 2015 elections. My empathy for the political struggle of Atiku Abubakar knows no bound. I have a feeling that the ordinary NIGERIAN do not know the leadership qualities of Atiku.
Those who know the good qualities of ATIKU ABUBAKAR were full of envy, which almost translated into hatred. Some prominent Nigerians, particularly in the North, made it their duty to do all in their power to stop Atiku from the PRESIDENCY OF THIS COUNTRY.
When you ask some of them why they were becoming an obstacle to an Atiku Presidency, they could not in all honesty advance any reasonable argument. The more others hate him, the more I love him, because the contributions of Atiku to Nigeria and Nigerians more especially my state Adamawa, cannot be wished away.
I have therefore dedicated my life to remain with the WAZRI until the time Allah SWT Blesses him with the fulfillment of his political aspirations and is sworn in as the President of Nigeria. I believe that ATIKU IS COMING.
What can you say, based on your experience, is wrong with the political class in Nigeria?
The major problem is playing politics without principles. Good political leadership is based on the sound principles of service to the people. You cannot serve the people, if you are not economically independent.
Economic independence empowers you to stand for something. Economic independence cannot come to weak and indolent persons. You need to succeed at something worth while, before you succeed in politics.
Recall that late Gen Shehu Musa YAR’ADU and the likes of Atiku Abubakar played politics like a game. It was to them, a contest of ideas and strategies for the best way to reach out and unite Nigerian for a common agenda.
They never played politics to get rich in office. They were nobody’s’ boys. They were not hungry, they were not in search of political appointments. Have you ever wondered why Atiku ABUBAKAR HAS CONTINUED TO REMAIN VERY RELEVANT AND A BIG PLAYER IN THE POLITICS of Nigeria for over four decades?
He stood for something bigger than himself or his family. Good principles have ensured that he survives again and again. Unless our politicians learn the game from the likes of Atiku, our politicians will continue to play the politics of STOMACH INFRASTRUCTURE.
Politics is for service and nothing else. Service is based on timeless principles of justice and fair play, peace and development, unity and faith in one another. Our politicians will need to go back to the basics.
As a Nigerian, what is your rating of Buhari’s administration four years plus now?
Yeah, definitely I’m Nigerian, I was born after the independence. The rating of the Buhari Administration in the past four years, is to be charitable, below average. You may well know that to score average in any test is still poor. When you are below average, it is worst.
Nigerians themselves know and feel the pains, hardship and poverty brought onto Nigerian by PMB. The sad part is that even the three things Buhari thinks he has done well in them are worse today than they were in 2015. Corruption, insecurity and the economy are worst than he met them.
Nigeria has become the poverty capital of the World, anti corruption drive has become selective and political. The oil subsidy scam has become worst than what obtained in 2015.
Oil subsidy alone is one the loopholes in our economy, which PMB and the CABAL has further exploited to enrich themselves. Oil subsidy for 2019 alone is N1.3 trillion Naira from the N224billion it was in 2015 and the petrol price stands higher in the country of 145 naira per litre.
The foreign currency exchange regime particularly the US Dollar is another scam operated between the CBN and the CABAL Foreign Direct Investment has gone down from what it was in 2015. The manufacturing sector is also worst than he inherited. Foreign debt and debt servicing has skyrocketed to unmanageable positions.
Nigeria is now on the brink of another recession. Insecurity demonstrated by Boko haram, herdsmen, bandits who kill, maim, kidnap for ransom
Have made Nigeria a fragile and conflict prone Country.
So, it clear that the APC and PMB have woefully failed to deliver. That was why Nigerians massively voted for Atiku Abubakar in the 2019 Presidential elections. That is why you see the desperation all over the system, including, lately the INEC. The good news I wish to deliver to all Nigerians is this- Atiku Is Coming, Insha Allah.