Act Establishing AFIT Read Soon‎, House Committee Assures


House of Representatives Committee on Airforce has assured the Nigerian Airforce Institute of Technology, Kaduna, that bill for an Act establishing the Institute will be ready before the end of the year.

Chairman of the committee, Hon. Samson Okwu gave the assurance when members of the committee visited the institution in an oversight function on Wednesday .

‎”As a responsible parliament we decide to come and see things for ourselves and we are encouraged with what we have seen. With what we have seen today, we shall give the bill a speed of light.

“Right now the bill has passed second reading, and we a process, and the process is always better than the outcome, once the process is good the outcome will be very well.

“In trying to dissect the bill, bill, know what to include and what to remove and we are going do a public hearing at this stage we are now, just give us now until year ending the bill will be ready.”

‎Earlier in his brief, Commandant, Airforce Institute of Technology (AFIT), Air Commodore, Musibau Adekunle Soladoye‎ explained to the visitors that established to ‎form the nucleus of a world class centre of learning and research in aerospace technology in Nigeria.

‎He added that it is also met to create a higher level localized maintenance capability for the aviation, aerospace and allied disciplines of the Nigerian Air Force, our sister Services, related organizations and friendly African countries.

Air Commodore Soladoye further said it is also aimed at ‎”expanding the horizon for indigenous research & development efforts by providing a conducive atmosphere and standard infrastructure that will promote cooperation and collaboration with allied institutions and organizations.

“Prepare Nigerian Air Force personnel for brighter prospects of employment after separation from the Service.”

When passed, the AFIT boss believed that the bill will give the institute leverage for financial autonomy thereby enabling the institution access to the Government budgetary allocation, because it has always been funded by the Nigerian Airforce since inception.

‎He added his vision is to transform the Air Force Institute of Technology into an institution of international repute for human capacity development through world class programmes as well as serving as a fulcrum for developing highly technical manpower in support of Nigerian Air Force mission and national aspirations.

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