I am not desperate to continue in office – Jonathan

I am not desperate to continue in office
– Jonathan

President Goodluck Jonathan has said that
his readiness to continue to serve the
nation for another four years in office was
borne out of a genuine desire and not an
act desperation.
spoke at the public launch of a book, “The
People’s Choice: The story of President
Goodluck Jonathan written” by Rev. Fr.
Charles Imokhai.
According to the President, politicians who
are interested in occupying any elective
position either at state or federal level
should not to be desperate.
“My second message is to all of us,
especially those of us who are politicians,
that for all of us who want to serve, we
should be ready to serve but we should not
be desperate to serve our people.
“Sometimes, people ask me that Mr.
President, from what we read and what we
see, we see you still smiling and unruffled.
“Yes, nothing will really ruffle me because I
am willing and ready to serve but I am not
desperate to serve. That is what keeps me
“All of us who want to hold offices from the
least, a counselor of a ward or a chairman
of a council, a member of the state House
of Assembly or member of House of
Representatives, Senate, Governor or the
President, if all of us are always ready and
willing to serve our people but we are not
desperate in that our mission, then of
course Nigeria will be a better place for all
of us.”
The president noted that while the book
being presented provided an account that is
close to being accurate, most of the things
written about him were inaccurate.
He however promised that he would write
the most accurate one after leaving office.
“My dream is that one day, a product of
Almajiri school will stand here as a
President of this country.

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