5 IoT Vulnerabilities for Enterprises you should know

In spite of rising importance in the tech market and an explosion of the Internet of Thing (IoT) products and applications for the retail market, health, security sectors, and others, not all companies are ready for IoT adoption. Why? There are several reasons for this and one of them is its vulnerabilities.

On the one hand, with the IoT, the world substantially becomes one integrated data system aimed at improving the quality of life and driving new business models.

On the other hand, a huge amount of personal and corporate data, that is located in the cloud and then interchanges with multitude of devices, can lead to exploit all information. For this, it suffices to have only one weak link in the security chain cloud.

However, if you have a strong desire for integration the IoT within your company, my duty is to show you five main cybersecurity risks surrounding the IoT. You will also know if it is possible to fix them or not. Let’s start.

IoT complexity amplifies cyber risks
First and foremost, IoT complexity amplifies cyber risk. Today there are more than 8 billion IoT devices https://www.itproportal.com/features/the-rise-of-iot-continues-as-number-of-intelligent-enterprises-double-since-2017/. It is not an easy task to protect such huge system. An employee can put the whole system at risk by connecting his or her personal device to the work computer.

In such case, a malefactor can easily penetrate an employee’s home network and gain access to business information through that connected device. Exactly for this reason, an organization should have a control system in that place where unauthorized devices connect.

To defend the whole system and organizations, it is needed to secure each node in the framework. Controlled network connection and endpoint validations are essential as well. Moreover, to ensure extra protection it is required to adhere to special security protocols.

The risks of DDoS attacks

The IoT network opens up new opportunities for scammers. A compromised network means accesses to public infrastructures and private banking details.

Today malefactors are well aware of how devastating DDoS attacks for business and customers, that’s why they will use attacks against IoT connected devices in order to disrupt service and business processes. Unfortunately, a compromised system has much more unpleasant consequences than losing efficiency and profitability.

To avoid DDoS attacks to https://www.bestvpnrating.com/cyber-security-statistics-and-facts), security of all mobile, interfaces, and cloud need to be maintained. The defense can also include additional network traffic monitoring, access control or even firewalls.

Privacy issues in the IoT
A misconfiguration system can leave doors wide opened to scammers. The IoT is not an exception. Every time users are not separated to privilege, data is put at risk. In this regard, before the IoT becomes a reality in your organization, make sure that everything is configured with security.

There are various encryption models that companies can take advantages of to prevent unwanted dissemination of information. It’s also essential to maintain mandatory access control that is able to secure networks against penetration.

Extensive use of mobile technology

Currently, there are more than 3 billion smartphones, not speaking about other types of mobile devices. As time goes by, the functionality of mobile devices expands. Thus, companies include mobile devices as a pivotal component, integrating data security policies and corporate cyber security.

So, you have already guessed how vital to incorporate mobile devices into security procedures. By leveraging security practices with secure communication and mobile device protocols it is possible to harden a system against vulnerabilities.

Data volume pose a threat to cybersecurity

The IoT extension has led to a huge collection of data. In order to add value to businesses, smart sensors are gathering data for usage in machine learning algorithms. The volume of generated data is immense. Such sheer volume provides a significant number of entry points for attackers.

As cybersecurity risks are increasing, it’s recommended for companies to secure networks and devices against unwanted penetration. Cybersecurity personnel need to move to a new innovative way in order to prevent attackers’ intent to profit from uncontrolled and insecure systems.


Today cyber crime statistics https://www.bestvpnrating.com/cyber-security-statistics-and-facts) are far from being favorable. Not only big corporations, but small businesses as well suffer from various forms of cyber attacks. It has been predicted that the number of connected things will be over 20 billion by 2020.

It means that vulnerabilities will continue to grow. However, if you have a strong intent to IoT adoption, you are to stay extremely cautious and take all possible safety measure to guard your business against any infiltration.

Author: Dainan Gilmore

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