​Family Planning: “Get It Together” Hits Radio Stations in Kaduna, Lagos and Oyo

By Alex Uangbaoje, Kaduna ‎

A popular Family Planning (FP), radio flagship drama series, “Get It Together”, that inform Nigerians about facts of Family Planning and Child Spacing, is set to return to radio stations in three states of Kaduna, Lagos and Oyo.‎

‎The weekly Programme‎ which educates and informs the general public about issues surrounding FP and Child Spacing is returning back to radio based on demands by listeners across the country after a long time.

A statement by Nigeria Urban Reproductive Health Initiative (NURHI), made available to journalists by Omobonike Adebayo, Programme Officer, Development Communications (‎DevComs) ‎Network, a lead media consulting organization to NURHI, on Thursday, said the programme will continue the captivating dramas they are known, while listeners will get the opportunity win gift prizes worth N1000.

According to her, “Back by popular demand, the “Get It Together” Radio programs Se’rigbo in Lagos, Ireti Eda in Oyo, and Komai Nisan Jifa in Kaduna are re-airing 26 episodes of its weekly radio program starting the week of July 15, 2017.”‎

The statement added, “I like the radio program Se’rigbo and think it should be continued.  I do not miss any episode as I have learnt a lot from the family planning expert that answers questions also, as some of the things she said are things I have experienced as a woman.” Mrs. Bunmi Olookoba, Ajeromi community in Lagos State.

“The episodes of NURHI 2’s popular programs — Se’rigbo in Lagos, Ireti Eda in Oyo, and Komai Nisan Jifa in Kaduna — continues the captivating dramas they are known for, intermixed with real-life testimonials from community leaders, health service providers, and program listeners. The shows also give listeners the opportunity to call-in and speak directly with family planning experts, who will answer their questions live on-air.  Listeners can have a chance to win a weekly prize of a N1,000 recharge card. 

“The radio programs are part of the Get it Together Campaign of Nigeria Urban Reproductive Health Initiative (NURHI 2) which encourages all Nigerians to KNOW the facts about family planning, TALK to their partner, and GO for family planning services.

“Dr. Mojisola Odeku, NURHI 2 Director said “Listeners are hooked on the programs’ serial dramas and real stories.  Fans calling -in to the program to have their questions answered by family planning experts is one of the more popular features.”

“Radio Show premiere dates, radio stations, and broadcast times are as follows:

Lagos Se’rigbo : Bond 92.9 FM: Mondays 4-5pm, Radio Lagos 107.5FM: Mondays 4-5pm. Both start on July 17

“Oyo Ireti Eda : -Splash 105.5FM: Fridays 3-4pm (Start date: July 14), Amuludun 99.1FM: Mondays 3-4pm (Start Date: July 17).

“Kaduna Komai Nisan Jifa : Liberty 91.7Fm: Saturdays 10-11am (Start Date: July 15), KSMC AM 639kHz: Mondays 4-5pm (Start Date: July 17).

“Radio listeners can join in the conversation and see what other fans are saying on Get It Together’s official Facebook page: @getittogetherng.

“The Get It Together radio programs build on the success of the previous seasons and the campaign’s 2016 hit song “Get It Together,” featuring Paul ‘P Square’ Okoye and Tiwa Savage. NURHI 2 has also helped establish a network of trained health providers offering friendly and confidential family planning services.”‎

‎It further added “The NURHI 2 is using communication to increase demand for family planning among men and women. It is led by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) in partnership with the Center for Communication Programs Nigeria (CCPN).”‎

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